Welcome in Munich

Welcome in Munich, Germany

You have just arrived in Munich as a refugee or live in Munich and want to help? – Here are some resources, that might be helpful!

Important information about the stay in Munich

Information for student refugees

Information for LGBTQIA* and other refugees who are exposed to increased discrimination

How to: Learn German

Munich organisations and initiatives where you can get help or offer help

Helpful resources for people working together with Ukrainian refugees or who want to help

Support for independent reporting

Important information about the stay in Munich, Germany

Information about work, accomodation, exit/entry, medical care and more in Germany in English/German/ Ukrainian/Russian: HandbookGermany

Help portal for urgent questions in the first days and weeks in German and Russian: Kulturzentrum GOROD München

Hotline for first information: Münchner Flüchtlingsrat

Information about the arrival in Munich: Integreat

Finding an accommodation: Muenchner Freiwillige

Finding a job: Sprungbrett Bayern, Job aid for Ukrainian refugees, UA talents

Getting a free SIM-card: Telekom

Opening a bank account: Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband, Sparkasse

Use of public transport and trains: In Munich, in Germany

Free distribution of clothing: Diakonia

Free distribution of food: Münchner Tafel

Apply for financial assistance: Amt für Wohnen und Migration

Corona-vaccination: Stadtportal München

For children: Interactive map showing all playgrounds in Munich, Open sports activities, free books for children in Ukrainian

Information for student refugees

Open list with links to funding, scholarships for hosting and supporting refugee scholars: University of Erfurt

LMU Preparatory Program for Refugees: LMU München

Information about support opportunities at universities all over the world: #ScienceForUkraine

Information for LGBTQIA* and other refugees who are exposed to increased discrimination

Information and Help in Munich for Queer refugees: Munich Kyiv Queer

Counceling and support for refugee lesbian and bisexual women* (intercistrans) and non-binary people in Munich: LeTra

Advice, information and support for refugee gay and bisexual, and trans* men in Munich: Sub

Help hotline (in Russian and English) for women in danger and pregnant women in need

Help for deaf refugees in Ukrainian and Russian: Deaf Refugees

Psychosocial emergency aid (SMS/Whatsapp) for Ukrainian children and young people: Krisenchat

Support for Roma in and from Ukraine: padlet.com

How to: Learn German

Free German Course Online: Deutscher Volkshochschulverband

Learning German for children: picture dictionary, Padlet German-Ukrainian, Welcome ABC

Munich organisations and initiatives where you can get help or offer help

Münchner Freiwillige

Kulturzentrum GOROD

Students for Ukraine Munich

Help Ukraine München


Ukrainische griechisch-katholische Pfarrei

Diakonie München

Münchner Flüchtlingsrat

Caritas München

Helpful resources for people working together with Ukrainian refugees or who want to help

I can offer accommodation in Munich: Muenchner Freiwillige

I can offer accommodation for LGBTQIA* refugees: MunichKyivQueer

I can offer accommodation for refugees with animals: Help Tasso

I want to help and have time: Muenchner Freiwillige

I have psychotherapeutic training and can offer psychological help for refugees and volunteers: Kulturzentrum GOROD

I work in a care centre that can temporarily accommodate people in need of care: #health4ukraine

I have pedagogical experience and would like to help welcoming Ukrainian children at Bavarian schools: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus

Posting a job and hiring Ukrainian talents: UA talents

Peace Demonstrations: #StandWithUkraine

Various materials for download: Goethe-Institut

Questions and answers on psychosocial support for people helping refugees: Refugio München

Free Ukrainian language guide: Reise Know How

Support for an independent reporting

Donating for Ukrainian journalists

International organization supporting civil society and democratic development in Russia: FreeRussia

Support for war reporters: ReporterohneGrenzen

Blocked medium in Russia: Meduza

Journalism Emergency Ukraine: 24.02.Fund

Emergency equipment for journalists in Ukraine: n-ost – border crossing journalism